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The Student News Site of Monta Vista High School

El Estoque

The Student News Site of Monta Vista High School

El Estoque

The Student News Site of Monta Vista High School

El Estoque

Nika Zamani

Nika Zamani, Sports Editor

Nika is a senior and sports editor for El Estoque. Along with being a staff writer for La Pluma and Res Novae, she is the founder and president of the Monta Vista Persian Club. In her free time, she likes to go on walks and spend time with her friends.


All content by Nika Zamani
Senior Vivica Martinez poses beside her car, Posey.

Car Craze

MVHS students share their car stories
Nika Zamani
May 24, 2022
The Apple Watch offers a variety of features that track activity 
Graphic | Irene Tang

Down to the bits: technology in sports

Exploring how MVHS sports uses technology
The Cheer Team's Instagram features team bonding activities, routines they performed at games and promo for their future events

Like. Follow. Cheer.

Exploring how sports teams use social media
Aashi Venkat and Nika Zamani
March 18, 2022
Race in Sports

Race in Sports

Exploring the different facets of race in sports
MVHS students and staff share the small things that make them happy

It’s the little things

Exploring the small joys in staff and students’ lives
Kripa Mayureshwar and Nika Zamani
November 7, 2021
Sophomore Ace Chow wearing his football gear | Photo Courtesy of Ace Chow

Preparing for the big game

MV athletes share different ways that help them get ready before their game
Stage manager, co-costuming lead and junior Marian Montejano organizes clothing in the loft — the room above the Blackbox where costumes and accessories from past productions are stored.

Behind the scenes of ‘Alice in Wonderland’

Exploring the different facets of Drama’s fall play preparations
Anna Kaminitz and Nika Zamani
October 29, 2021
Team Bowman

Team Bowman

Exploring how the Bowman brothers connected through water polo
Nika Zamani
September 24, 2021
Teammates by Chance

Teammates by Chance

Exploring the impacts of playing the same sport as a family member
The Varsity Football Team lost its season opener against Westmont High School 42-0.

Football falls 42-0 to Westmont in first game of the season

The Matadors attribute the loss to inexperienced players and tentative playing
Anushka De and Nika Zamani
August 27, 2021
Seniors Diya Bahl and Anika Somasundaram take a selfie to capture their memories at the event.

Class of 2022 keeps up annual tradition of Senior Sunrise

Seniors commemorate the beginning of their last year at MVHS
Jayanti Jha and Nika Zamani
August 24, 2021
Senior Sophia Bokovikova poses beside her grandmother in Novosibirsk, Russia.

Post-lockdown getaways

Students recount their first summer vacations following quarantine
Junior Hannah Baker poses with her quinceañera court.

From girlhood to womanhood

Exploring the planning process, traditional ceremonies and cultural influences behind quinceañeras
Nika Zamani
May 22, 2021
The Matadors pose with the De Anza Boulevard  trophy after its win against Lynbrook HS.

Season Superlatives: Boys Basketball

Athletes share the best and worst games of the season, and everything in between
Nika Zamani
May 21, 2021
Sophomore Ryan Tang jumps to catch the ball

Boys Water Polo loses to Milpitas HS 13-16

Team loses despite nearly tied scores throughout the first three quarters
Anushka De, Oishee Misra, and Nika Zamani
May 21, 2021
Varsity Boys Soccer players share a team huddle following a game.

Season shutdown

How the MVHS football and boys soccer teams reacted to their teammates’ positive COVID results
Robert Liu and Nika Zamani
May 19, 2021
European Super League: 48 hours of failure

European Super League: 48 hours of failure

MVHS soccer players share their thoughts on the European Super League
Nika Zamani
May 8, 2021
Freshman Catherine Yao pitches a curveball during the sixth inning. Photo by Nika Zamani

Girls Softball: MVHS loses to Saratoga HS 9-5

After six innings of neck and neck gameplay, MVHS falls to SHS due to their lack of focus in the final inning
Nika Zamani
May 4, 2021
Members of the MVHS community share the biggest lies they have told in honor of National Honesty Day

To tell you the truth…

Four MVHS students come clean about their biggest lies
Nika Zamani
May 1, 2021
Senior Allison Leung and her teammate MVHS alumna '18 Demetra Williams practice their dives at MVHS' pool.

Women in sports

Exploring the experiences of women in sports in honor of Women's History Month
The Matadors congratulate one another after junior Shervin Jalilvand scores the first goal of the game during the first half.

Boys Soccer: MVHS defeats Lynbrook High School 3-0

Varsity team continues their winning streak in the third game of the season
Nika Zamani
March 29, 2021
Khorasani's Haftseen contains all the traditional elements, while displaying her family's personal creative flair.

Celebrating Nowruz

Persians continue to celebrate parts of Persian New Year despite a second year in a pandemic
Nika Zamani
March 25, 2021
Ding preforms a partner skill at a national competition.  Photo courtesy of Emily Ding | Used with permission

Junior Emily Ding’s journey with synchronized swimming

Following Ding to her spot on Team USA
Nika Zamani
March 13, 2021
Exploring the stories of Cupertino residents, students and teachers

Humans of Cupertino

Discovering the stories that populate Cupertino
Yes, she can.

Yes, she can.

Exploring different facets of feminism and how they impact students, staff and alumni
Truffle Shuffle cofounders Jason McKinney (left) and Tyler Vorce (right) host an online cooking class. Used with permission

Cupertino Businesses in Quarantine

Cupertino businesses adapts to the unexpected circumstances created by the pandemic
Courtesy of

Biden’s campaign targets young voters

Biden's campaign appeals to young voters through humorous and trendy social media content and merchandise in hopes of encouraging them to vote in the upcoming election.
Nika Zamani
October 15, 2020
Featured Image

Ballot Box

Exploring local politics in our community
Charlene Lee

Charlene Lee

Devin Gupta and Nika Zamani
September 23, 2020
Steven Scharf Profile

Steven Scharf

Devin Gupta and Nika Zamani
September 22, 2020
Candidate Hung Wei poses for her campaign photo

Hung Wei

Devin Gupta and Nika Zamani
September 22, 2020
Cupertino City Hall

Candidates running for Cupertino City Council

Meet Joseph Fruen, Kitty Moore, Steven Scharf and Hung Wei
Devin Gupta and Nika Zamani
September 22, 2020
The impacts of anti-racism education on both students and staff

FUHSD Institutes Anti-Racism education

Students and staff discuss the motivations behind and impacts of new anti-racism curriculum
Anushka De and Nika Zamani
September 11, 2020
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