Iman Malik, Features and Graphics Editor

Seniors share impactful people, moments and lessons learned from high school
Seniors share impactful people, moments, and lessons learned from high school

They look like me
Examining representation within the Marvel Cinematic Universe

Understanding the impact of diverse representation in various facets of the American entertainment industry

Personality Podcast: Part 2
Examining how the labels of “assertive” and “turbulent” from the 16Personalities quiz fit into our respective identities

Personality Podcast: Part 1
Examining how the labels of “assertive” and “turbulent” from the 16 Personalities quiz fit into our respective identities

A fraction of time
MVHS community members in different age groups reflect on the pandemic year in the context of their lives

Examining the internalized misogyny behind using “bitch” to denote empowerment

The dangers of the “#notallmen” movement
Breaking down the responsibility every man has to respond to the threat and reality of sexual harassment and assault all women face

Humans of Cupertino
Discovering the stories that populate Cupertino

Behind the student organization Post Corona Care
Exploring the operations of PCC and the motivations of its creators

Yes, she can.
Exploring different facets of feminism and how they impact students, staff and alumni

Permanent Resident: Immigration at MVHS
Following the immigration journeys of MVHS students and parents

Lesser of two evils: What the future looks like for Muslims after the presidential election
Breaking down Joe Biden’s agenda for Muslim-American communities

Exploring the journeys of student, teacher and alumni activists.

Family bonding during shelter-in-place
Exploring how quarantine brought a family closer together

Examining FUHSD funding differences
Monetary spending at all five sites in the district is unique

Community Poetry & Prose Night: A celebration of creativity
Cupertino community members share their experiences contributing to a city-wide poetry anthology

Voices of Cupertino: The launch of the citywide anthology
Community members gather to celebrate the release of Cupertino poetry and prose

50 Questions with Scott Victorine
In the eighth installment of the recurring series, El Estoque asks Scott Victorine 50 questions in his classroom

Dessert Detectives: K’s Crepes and Cafe
Reviewing popular menu items based on quality and taste

What we have learned from our friendship
How our friendship has shaped who we are

Project Backpack: Sending supplies to students in Puerto Rico
Exploring how MVHS juniors provided aid to schools affected by a hurricane

Aging with the city: the older generation of Cupertino
The older generation of Cupertino reflects on the formation of the bubble

Authors around us: Emer Martin
Exploring how FUHSD teacher Emer Martin became a published author

Too close to home: the Iranian Revolution at MVHS
The impacts of the Iranian Revolution on students and staff

Protesters demonstrate outside Representative Ro Khanna’s town hall meeting
Members of the Hindu community protest Khanna’s alleged anti-Hindu and anti-Gandhi ideas expressed in Twitter response

Tying the knot: views on marriage
Exploring teachers’ perspectives on getting married

50 fresh faces
Students from the class of 2023 share their initial thoughts on MVHS

Beyond the district
How the senior privilege policy affects those who utilize it

Exploring our emotions
The importance of recognizing unique feelings
Climbing the ladder: Two MVHS students qualify for and compete in prestigious physics olympiad
Students earn awards for their test rankings on the USAPhO exam

Off the court: my journey as a LeBron fan
How my support of LeBron James taught me resilience

Warming up
El Estoque documents how teams and athletes prepare for the big day

Boys volleyball: MVHS defeats Los Altos HS in straight sets
MVHS wins against LAHS 3-0

Softball: MVHS loses to Gunn HS in second home game of the season
MVHS struggles to come back against Gunn HS ultimately losing 8-4

Swimming: Matadors defeat Los Altos HS in last home meet
MVHS gain a landslide victory during senior night meet

Math and Science Club’s plans for next year
New MSC executive team reflects on its progress

Students prepare for the second round of the Physics Olympiad
The experiences of those who passed the F=ma Exam

Starting them young
A look into recreational sports leagues in Cupertino

Girls Basketball: Matadors fall to Homestead HS after losing an early lead
MVHS loses senior night game despite maintaining intensity throughout the game

An insight on School Site Council
Exploring the purpose of SSC at MVHS

A wish remembered: my idolization of Iron Man
How my childhood hero continues to inspire me today

In the lab: Vivek Kamarshi receives recognition for science project
MVHS student selected for the Regeneron Science Talent Search

Extra-Ordinary: Achievements beyond school
Uncovering feats of MVHS community members

Another name
Seniors change their username on Facebook to avoid being found by colleges

MVMSC hosts first integration bee
Math and science club members take part in an MIT inspired event

The fight for rights
Exploring the impact of social change for minority groups

Selfless: the sacrifices my mom makes for me
My mom needs a lesson in how to be selfish once in a while
Voting Local
Profiles on 2018 Cupertino City Council Candidates

City of Cupertino hosts fall family bike fest
Residents connect with their community at Cupertino’s fifth annual bike fest

Putting positivity into practice
Exploring how people incorporate positivity in their daily life

A new and improved Math and Science club
How the officers of MV MSC plan to grow the club

The girl with neon shoes: lessons I learned from my classmate
Accepting myself through the kindness of others

Future Practicing Physicians Network prepares for the upcoming year
FPPN officers share their hopes for the club