Are you proud of yourself?
How I’m learning to set healthy boundaries with my own doubts
AI Detectors
MVHS teachers attempt to detect essays written with AI
Twin Time
A letter to Meggie, my twin sister
Just wing it
How I learned the importance of patience when thinking about my future
From stress to solace
How Monta Vista Raas became a lifeline
Weaving bonds
MVHS’s opinions on the multifaceted web of relationships
High difficulty, High satisfaction
How high-difficulty games taught me how to practice delayed gratification
Chatting Communities
Parent networks play both a positive and negative role in Bay Area high school culture
Nicole Laeno and the parasocial predicament
The emotional connections between online creators and their fans are getting out of hand
2,830 miles
I’m learning to reconcile leaving my family for college
The toll of trauma dumping
We need to recognize and set boundaries for healthy relationships
Affection among Asians
MVHS students and teachers discuss the various ways their families express affection