Shuvi Jha, Managing Editor

A student’s role in COVID-19 relief
Exploring how students can help with the virus’s impacts

Saviors of Humanity
Recognizing the people who are working to keep the world going

The band aid solution
MVHS administration, staff, students and parents should change ineffective procedures that attempt to assist with academic and emotional well-being

Australian wildfires: Lack of media attention demonstrates global apathy
Exploring the media coverage of the Australian wildfires
Apathy at MVHS
Exploring students' views on the definitions of apathy and what it means to be apathetic.

Honoring the First Amendment
Why the free press should be extended to all student journalists nationally

Recalling the best and worst of 2019
Looking back at the best and worst moments of 2019

Lessons From Around the World
Exploring the differences in policies and systems between the U.S. and foreign countries

Not so easy: being a feminist in today’s age
How overused platitudes of empowerment oversimplify the feminist movement

ACT superscore invokes mixed reactions in MVHS community
MVHS community reacts to the new superscore policy starting September 2020

Opting Out
FUHSD officials, teachers and students explain the process of opting out of school curriculum as well as their thoughts on it

Fighting for Rights
Exploring community members' struggles to assert their rights

Art Club officers share plans to pursue art beyond high school
Exploring Art Club officers’ post-high school plans

Dangers of the Web
Exploring the different facets of cybersecurity

Former judge in Brock Turner case getting hired as LHS JV tennis coach causes national stir
Community members reflect on former judge Aaron Persky's hire and consequent firing

The year of gold: Celebrating MVHS’ 50th anniversary
Exploring multiple facets of MVHS culture in honor of its 50th anniversary

Birthright: an exploration of political autonomy
Exploring the roots of political autonomy in recent times

Recalling major news events from Summer 2019
Exploring students’ reactions to summer news events
Title IX in MVHS
How this 1972 bill affects MVHS teachers and students

The S-word: the prevalence of slut shaming at MVHS
Women address slut-shaming in their lives

BITE Club and Korean Club host the Spicy Noodle Challenge
Contestants see if they can handle the heat
Indian-American Student Association (IASA) kicks off Spotlite
IASA members and officers recall their favorite Spotlite memories and discuss preparations

Administrator comment causes stir at MVHS
Examining the issue from student, alumni and administration perspectives
A new role
Principal Ben Clausnitzer shares his short-term and long-term goals to improve MVHS

A change of pace at ROTB
Administration discuss the reason behind the absence of counselors at ROTB

Behind the desk
Seniors discuss how classroom experiences have shaped them

Practice makes perfect: analyzing the importance of daily sports practice attendance
Analyzing the importance of daily sports practice attendance