What’s in store for KCDC?
Korean Club’s Dance Crew explains the motivations and challenges behind their performances
Diminished club attendance during the distance learning school year
Taking a look at how various clubs have become inactive during the pandemic
A photo recap of the Winter Dynamic Duos Rally 2020
How the 2020 Winter Rally changed to a team rally
Korean Club: Dancing into the new year
Officers introduce the club with a K-Pop choreography guessing game
BITE Club and Korean Club host the Spicy Noodle Challenge
Contestants see if they can handle the heat
Ringing in a new year
Three cultural clubs at MVHS celebrate the Lunar New Year
Korean Club: Introducing the Korean Snack ‘Oh yes!’
MVHS Korean Club introduces one of South Korea’s most popular snacks
Korean Club: Crossing over into new zones
Monta Vista and Cupertino High School’s Korean Clubs collaborate to host an interdistrict event
Korean Club holds first meeting of the year
Officers and members explore goals for the new school year
Korean Club: A fresh taste of South Korean snacks
Korean Club discusses famous South Korean snacks and brands