Executive breakdown
A brief overview of Trump's 2025 presidential directives

Trump takes action to reverse U.S. climate policy
What does “unleashing American energy” mean for the climate?

Trump and COVID-19 vaccines
How the former president’s attitude is holding the nation back from coming out of the pandemic

Reproductive rights under threat
Examining the declining access and restrictions to reproductive healthcare and instances of misogyny at MVHS

2020 Presidential Election integrity concerns
Analyzing how the COVID-19 pandemic has caused voter fraud scares and voter suppression

Clashing views on the climate crisis
Exploring how the upcoming election has environmental consequences

A 2020 Presidential Election Playlist
9 songs to listen to while waiting for election results

Reviewing a wealth of perspectives will best inform us on what immigration issues are at stake

Lesser of two evils: What the future looks like for Muslims after the presidential election
Breaking down Joe Biden’s agenda for Muslim-American communities

An Earth Day promise
COVID-19 presents an opportunity to pursue climate action with renewed vigor

Keep the dream alive
Community members discuss the personal and legal implications of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) being rescinded

San Jose Women’s March takes place on Jan. 21
Marchers share their views on politics and the power of mass protests