Turning baking into bank
Sophomore Elva Tang discusses the growth of her cookie business

Baking up a business: Antoine’s cookie shop
Antoine Tang from Antoine’s Cookie Shop looks back on starting his business and

On the streets of SF
San Francisco reflects on the 2023 APEC summit’s impacts on community issues

APEC: A business perspective
Looking into the convention’s impacts on local businesses and organizations

Making cents of crafts
Taking a look behind the scenes of three MVHS art small businesses

Coffee cart
Examining how special education staff has integrated business experience into its curriculum

Jeff Mueller
Business teacher Jeff Mueller retires after 19 years at MVHS

Creative entrepreneurs for a cause
MVHS students start clothing and accessory businesses and raise funds for coral restoration, children in need, COVID-19 and BLM

Maintaining a local community
The implications of urbanization on both chain and family businesses in Cupertino

Urbanization of Cupertino
In a constant state of change, Cupertino has experienced drastic changes in terms of infrastructure and business from the influx of both workers and residents. Vallco construction has recently been reinitiated after the passage of State Bill 35. The proliferation of chain businesses act as a double edged sword to local businesses. Median house values climb and realtors work to satisfy buyers who prioritize commute times. Read more about each story.

MVHS Future Business Leaders of America hosts job fair
MVFBLA partners with BAYCO to connect students with companies

An alternative lunch option
Yeh’s Kitchen delivers Chinese food for MVHS students