Gavin Hung, Website Editor

MVHS discusses cryptocurrencies
Examining student’s opinions on cryptocurrencies

Expanding your knowledge
Why I believe studying subjects outside of your interests is important

Crossword Craze: Staff Edition
Play this crossword to learn fun facts about MVHS staff members

Breaking down binaries
Re-evaluating our dichotomous perception of the world

MVHS discusses the metaverse
Examining the opinions of students and teachers regarding the metaverse

Language in Media
Examining how the rhetoric used in modern media permeates our daily lives

My journey learning to study
Memorizing content instead of fully understanding it is an inefficient way to study

Students attempt an engineering project
Two teams build a catapult out of craft materials

Crossword Craze: MVHS edition
Play this crossword to test your MVHS knowledge
MVHS Mock Trial holds internal scrimmages
Club members prepare for future competitions

Competition season is back
Showcasing MVHS organizations in action

Letter of recommendation season is here
Exploring the process of requesting and fulfilling this important aspect of one’s college application

Declining enrollment impacts teachers
Examining the changing population in Santa Clara County in the wake of the 2020 census

Back on track
Exploring the changes implemented at MVHS in preparation for a new school year

College Admission: Uncertainty and Upgrades through COVID
What COVID has revealed about the college acceptance process for seniors

Choosing wisely
Alumni talk about their decision to room with friends or strangers

Do not be afraid
Why it’s beneficial to share your projects and reach out to others for feedback

Competition Culture
Exploring the experiences of students in our community who participate in various contests and competitions
Exploring the experience of students who have participated in art competitions

MVHS Influencers
Students and alumni discuss their following on various platforms

Sprains, strains and pains
Athletes reflect on their experiences with various injuries
Students and the school’s certified athletic trainer reflect on the recovery process

Competitive programming
Students and alumni share their experiences with competitive programming

Ready for commitment
Local student-athletes share their past, present and future goals for collegiate play

Lynbrook High School junior Anton Ouyang discusses his journey to recruitment
Ouyang commited to UCLA golf (NCAA Division I) last August

International Responses to COVID
Comparing responses to COVID abroad to MVHS experiences with COVID

Experiments at home
A look into science labs during remote learning