Anika Sharma, Staff Writer

Unique Cupertino families
Different types of families in Cupertino share their history and dynamics

Auditioning for the Santa Clara Vanguard
Discussing my feelings throughout the audition process
Siblings share about the dynamics of big families
Examining the pros and cons of life in a large family
MVHS Mock Trial holds internal scrimmages
Club members prepare for future competitions

Competition season is back
Showcasing MVHS organizations in action

My senior year expectations
Evaluating the expectations I had for my senior year

Who are the Taliban
Examining the past, present and future of the Taliban after the U.S. withdrew from Afghanistan after 20 years

Lil Nas X’s ‘Montero’ is a mixed bag with many gems
Lil Nas X’s debut album is an emotional and fascinating ride

A Forever War Ends
Examining the Afghanistan War and its end

Everyone is perfect (except me)
Explaining my struggles with insecurity

Behind both doses
Examining the experiences of getting the COVID-19 vaccine

The graduation plan for the Class of 2021
MVHS plans to host six in-person graduation ceremonies for the Class of 2021

MV Drama’s virtual spring musical
Reviewing the spring production of “Bright Star”

Returning To Campus
Analyzing the impacts of adopting a hybrid, in-person instructional model
Race in anime
Examining how anime portrays Black people and the effect on anime fans in the U.S.

Platonic Valentines
Exploring relationships based in non-romantic love and the over emphasis of romance in Valentine’s Day

Love is in the air
Exploring romance in the MVHS community through different facets

Queer Characters are Absent in Bollywood Films
Examining the lack of queer representation in Bollywood

National Novel Writing Month
Exploring the experiences of MVHS student authors

To Elliot
Reflecting on Elliot Page and my own experiences with Coming Out

Local teams’ fans
Students and fans share their connections to local Bay Area sports teams

Strength in numbers
Students recount their experiences as fans of the Golden State Warriors

JOHN GILCHRIST: The new marching band director
Getting to know John Gilchrist and his plans for the future of the music department

Athletic conditioning
Exploring the impact of COVID-19 on team conditioning

Physical Education from home presents unique challenges
Students examine the pros and cons of taking PE classes during remote learning