Niveda Hari, Staff Writer
50 fresh faces
The Class of 2028 shares its thoughts on MVHS
MVHS paraeducators discuss their roles in supporting students
How paraeducators bridge the gap between general and special education
Time Out! Ep. 21: Avyan Mahajan
Avyan Mahajan talks about his journey in baseball
The juice is loose!
Students and teachers discuss OJ Simpson’s trial and recent death
Ethical crossroads
El Estoque staff discuss the mission and ethics of the publication
Swim defeats Fremont High School 181.5-153.5
Varsity Girls Swim win against the Firebirds while Boys Swim ties
Gaming around the globe
Students and staff reflect on their experiences playing cultural board games
Silent sounds
Students and alumni discuss the underrepresentation of Asian American artists in the mainstream music scene
A grasp on reality
Examining how sensitive topics are portrayed in popular TV shows
DIY diagnoses
Exploring how social media is harmful by causing people to self-diagnose illnesses
*Cough cough*
How MVHS school culture has forced people to make ethically questionable decisions around coming to school when sick.
Us vs. them
The parental rights movement undermines comprehensive education
Behind the Scenes: PTSA
A behind-the-scenes look at what the PTSA is doing for MVHS
Changing Education with ChatGPT
Exploring changes in AI regulations in education for the 2023-24 school year