The graduation plan for the Class of 2021
MVHS plans to host six in-person graduation ceremonies for the Class of 2021

Debating through a screen
Members of Monta Vista Debate (MVSD) reflect on the the shift from in-person debates to online

Class of 2021 hosts ‘A Zoom to Remember’
Leadership students handle inappropriate comments made at their online prom

TEDxMV reflects on its goals for the new semester
How club food day and experiences from the last conference have shaped the club’s objectives

Design It: How graphic design and traditional art mediums help with stress relief
Design It officers use various mediums of art to express themselves

Opposition to the Vallco Plan
Sand Hill Property reinitiates construction in Vallco Shopping Mall after passing of State Bill 35

Class of 2021 hosts their first cram session
The junior class holds an after school study session for the junior class

Design It combats struggling with retaining membership and club engagement
DesignIt officers find new ways to promote their club to face the problems posed by low member turnout

Bobateeno 2019
The City of Cupertino hosts event to encourage mental health awareness

The craft of branding: Design It officers share the facets of design
How Design It implements the facets of design techniques through promotion

The Class of 2021 prepares for its first-ever bonding activity
Three class officers explain their process for organizing and executing class events