Where are you really from?
Diving into people’s perspectives of this multi-layered question

Is it a racist joke or just a joke about race?
Exploring the nuances and morals of race jokes

White passing
Forcing mixed race people to choose one reinforces arbitrary racial categories

Race in Sports
Exploring the different facets of race in sports

Race: An indispensable myth
Examining the significance of the social construct in modern society

CRT sparks controversy at NJUHSD
Examining the histories of anti-racism efforts at the Nevada Joint Union High School District

Representation in sports matters
Exploring how students are inspired by professional athletes of the same race

Addressing diversity in the Marvel Cinematic Universe
How MVHS students feel about racial and gender representation in the MCU
Race in anime
Examining how anime portrays Black people and the effect on anime fans in the U.S.

K-pop’s cultural appropriation issue
Students and alumni weigh in on problematic racial representation within the Korean music industry

Short end of the stick: Why the Affirmative Action policy should not be shunned
Navigating the purpose of race-based college admission policies

A mix of ethnicities
Biracial students discuss their blended identities