Women shaping the future
Exploring the aspirations and passions of six inspiring women and girls from MVHS

Brain drain
Students share which classes they find the most difficult

FUHSD offers Science and Society course for the 2022-2023 school year
Looking into the new, district-wide science course

Game over
Students from Computer Programming Java reflect on their final game project

Art after high school
The stigma against pursuing non-STEM related paths after high school
Part 1: The Problem
Investigating how declining student enrollment at MVHS has affected course allocation

Girls Who Code reflects on what female representation in STEM means to them
Members share their beliefs on the importance of women in STEM fields

MVRT rookies showcase first projects
New members present their month-long projects to parents

Imposter Syndrome: Exploring the Nuances
Uncovering the different facets of imposter syndrome at MVHS

Back from the brink: A new start for WiSTEM
In the face of last year’s disappointments, the Women in STEM club holds its first meeting to promote a new start

How Technovation teams prepared for the Technovation Challenge World Pitch
Technovation teams build and submit apps to compete in annual regional pitch