Grocery stores implement safety measures in light of COVID-19
Exploring Whole Foods COVID-19 safety measures and public opinion about the measures taken

A student’s role in COVID-19 relief
Exploring how students can help with the virus’s impacts

The importance of the shelter-in-place order
How different members of the MVHS community are following the guidelines

The impacts of social distancing
Exploring the ways social and cultural practices continue in spite of COVID-19

Positivity Podcast Ep. 5: Quarantine Edition
Discussing the silver linings of the COVID-19 quarantine

Celebrities should be more proactive and sensitive during the COVID-19 pandemic
America’s wealthiest need a privilege check
English teacher Mark Carpenter opens a Curious Cat account
Investigating one teacher’s approach to connecting with students during the shelter-in-place order

100 things to do when you’re bored while social distancing
50 activities to appeal to your normal side and 50 activities for your inner MVHS student