Hybrid students reflect on the return to in-person school
Examining the positive aspects and drawbacks of being part of the students who chose to return to school

FUHSD schools shift to hybrid learning
Exploring the recent shift to hybrid learning within the district

Teachers voice their opinions on hybrid learning
Exploring the perspective of teachers on hybrid learning

The other side
Exploring how teachers are coping with challenges during distance learning

The year we didn’t lose
Discovering the myriad of things we learned this year

Volunteering during the pandemic
How volunteer opportunities have changed due to COVID-19 restrictions

FUHSD panel hosts community webinar to offer distance learning updates
FUHSD community receives information about a potential return to in-person school, including testing, vaccines and safety protocols

50 silver linings of the pandemic
25 advantages of online school your normal side enjoys compared to 25 advantages your “inner-MVHS student” enjoys

Evolution of style in quarantine
A look into how fashion and makeup preferences have changed in light of COVID-19

Zoom school replaces in-person learning during pandemic
Examining various perspectives about instruction through a screen

Teaching styles evolve during remote learning
MVHS students and staff share about transitioning to Zoom school

A new voice
New choir teacher Amy Young adjusts to MVHS and online learning