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The Student News Site of Monta Vista High School

El Estoque

The Student News Site of Monta Vista High School

El Estoque

The Student News Site of Monta Vista High School

El Estoque

Junior Kyoto Nishikawa performs "First Suite in Eb for Military Band" in the second part of the concert. Photo | Melody Lin

MVHS Music Department holds its ‘Beyond the Planets’ concert

Symphonic, Concert Band and Philharmonic Orchestra perform the second day of a two-day program
Sih Yu (Melody) Lin
March 10, 2025

Band holds KMS exchange concert in the auditorium

MVHS and Kennedy Middle School bands join forces to present a combined performance
Corinna Kuo and Erin Liu
March 8, 2025
Instrumental Music Director John Gilchrist opens the floor for applause following senior and concertmaster Amy Zheng’s violin solo for a concerto.

“Unto Greater Heights” closes the year on a high note

MVHS Music Department performs its Pops Concert as the final concert of the year
Kathryn Foo and Alyssa Yang
May 22, 2024
Passing Proposition 28

Passing Proposition 28

What the California Proposition 28 means for MVHS art programs
Aidan Ruan and Sophia Ma
December 23, 2022
Candy Cane Lane: According to Amy Young, this song, sang at choir’s Winter Concert on Dec. 16, was chosen since several students sang it in previous years, and wanted to bring back the song's positive feelings.

Planning performances

Examining how the music department decides what songs to play in concerts
Brandon Xu
December 20, 2022
String Orchestra students perform symphonies at the Fall Concert which took place Oct 28.

MVHS Band and Orchestra capture Halloween spirit in its Fall Concert

Ensembles enchant audiences with a mysterious and enthralling performance
Samika Bhatkar
October 31, 2022
Sophomore Abha Dash plays the flute during Symphonic Band’s performance. Symphonic Band played two pieces titled “West Highland Sojourn” and “Waltz No. 2” before intermission.

The instrumental music department hosts its annual Festival Concert

Band and orchestra perform “From Britain with Love” with a feature from the Brass Ensemble
Melody Cui and Gauri Manoj
February 19, 2022
The symphonic band rehearses a piece of music a couple days after receiving it

From the music stand

Listening in on how the symphonic band and Variations learn new pieces
Anushka De
February 9, 2022
Senior Claire Yang experiments with different types of art, from charcoal still lifes to digital drawings.

Choosing artistic and hands-on electives

Exploring the creative courses that students take at MVHS
Kalyani Puthenpurayil
January 22, 2022
Photo courtesy of California All-State Music Education Conference

MVHS Music Department’s All-State Band and Orchestra members

How All-State band programs are managed through the screen
Aditya Shukla and Devin Gupta
February 8, 2021
Band Director John Gilchrist talks to wind ensemble through zoom (photo used with permission of John Gilchrist)

COVID-19’s impact on the MVHS Band

How Concert Band’s new instructor and students have adapted to virtual practices
Tina Low and Minjae Kang
October 27, 2020
Director of Marching Band John Gilchrist stands in front of Monta Vista, beaming  //  Used with Perrmisson

JOHN GILCHRIST: The new marching band director

Getting to know John Gilchrist and his plans for the future of the music department
Anika Sharma
October 17, 2020
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