Prom under a “City of Stars”
MVHS' last prom on the SF Belle creates unforgettable memories

Prom embraces cultural threads
Students share their opinions on the cultural inclusivity of prom outfits

The controversy behind public promposals
Exploring the MVHS community's opinions on public promposals

Prom 2023 lookbook
Taking a look into what students wore to prom

With friends? Or with a date?
Exploring MV students' opinions on attending prom with friends or with a date

All Aboard!
How MVHS staff use prom as a way to unwind from end-of-the-year chaos

Class of 2021 hosts ‘A Zoom to Remember’
Leadership students handle inappropriate comments made at their online prom

The pressure behind prom
People shouldn’t feel bad about not wanting to go to prom