MVHS Music Department holds its ‘Beyond the Planets’ concert
Symphonic, Concert Band and Philharmonic Orchestra perform the second day of a two-day program

MVHS hosts its annual Elective Night
Students and parents attend presentations held by elective teachers and their students for the upcoming course selection

MVHS Chamber Orchestra plays at CASMEC
Chamber Orchestra showcases their talent at the annual California All-State Music Education Conference

Unpacking holiday music traditions
MVHS musicians reflect on the impact of holiday music
Gen X and Millennial teachers get quizzed on Gen Z slang and brain rot
MVHS teachers test their knowledge of modern terminology

The will for music
Senior William Zhang discusses his passion for music composition

Striking the high note
John Gilchrist wins the Richard L. Levin Orchestra Educator Award

Getting antsy
Examining how ant infestations affect MVHS students and faculty

Keeping the arts alive
How declining enrollment and Proposition 28 are affecting the arts department

Passing Proposition 28
What the California Proposition 28 means for MVHS art programs

Planning performances
Examining how the music department decides what songs to play in concerts

Marching Band and Color Guard shine at Tournament of Champions
Marching Band and Color Guard take first place in their division at their final competition of the season despite technical difficulties