As author Kelly Loy Gilbert once said in her book Picture Us in the Light, “Cupertino is a bubble,” and within this bubble many of us find ourselves surviving but not truly living. From high housing prices to the continual downfall of small businesses and restaurants, CLICK HERE to read how the MVHS community views Cupertino and its limits.
Unfolding Cupertino city limits
El Estoque’s Opinion section examines how housing, entertainment and restaurants in the area affect the community

Unfolding Cupertino City Limits
About the Contributors

Meggie Chen, Managing Editor
Meggie is currently a senior and a managing editor for El Estoque. During her free time she loves to read, listen to horror podcasts (because she’s too chicken to watch actual horror movies), and spend (frankly) too much time watching historical documentaries on Youtube.

Crystal Cheng, Opinion Editor
Crystal Cheng is currently a senior and an Opinion editor for El Estoque. In her free time, she enjoys playing the piano, annihilating Stardew Valley and bullet journaling.

Aletheia Ju, Staff Writer
Aletheia is currently a junior and a staff writer for El Estoque. During her free time she likes to read, play the piano, and draw. She also likes to waste time watching video essays.

Sagnik Nag Chowdhury, Arts & Entertainment Editor
Sagnik Nag Chowdhury is currently a senior and an Arts and Entertainment editor for El Estoque. In his free time, he likes updating his Letterboxd, driving his friends around and trying new food places in the Bay.

Aidan Ruan, Staff Writer
Aidan Ruan is a junior and staff writer for El Estoque. In his free time, he likes to bike and take naps.

Trisha Sannappanavar, Staff Writer
Trisha is currently a senior and a staff writer for El Estoque. In her free time, she enjoys reading, listening to music, drawing and watching movies

Ethan Yang, Sports Editor
Ethan Yang is currently a junior and a staff writer for El Estoque. In his free time he likes running, FBLA and working with computers.

Michelle Zheng, Managing Editor
Michelle is currently a senior and a managing editor for El Estoque. In her free time, she likes to try new restaurants and watch dramas.
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