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The Student News Site of Monta Vista High School

El Estoque

The Student News Site of Monta Vista High School

El Estoque

The Student News Site of Monta Vista High School

El Estoque

Come winter when the snow falls upon the peaks of mountains, some MVHS students and staff make the recurring trip to hit their favorite runs, bringing back memories of their past adventures. Photo illustration | Dylan Nguyen

MVHS students share their skiing experiences and recommendations

Students and staff recall their various memories hitting the slopes
Leah Desai, Dylan Nguyen, and Amberly Sun
January 25, 2025
Monica Jariwala will fill the English Department Lead vacancy left by Julia Satterthwaite.

Tackling new roles

Three teachers appointed Department Leads
Krish Dev and Eric Zhou
May 31, 2023
Social Science teacher Hilary Barron shares a photo of her daughter, Elizabeth Julien. Photo by Hilary Barron | Used with permission

Staff baby boom leads to long-term substitutes

Exploring staff and students’ reactions to long-term sub situations
Devin Gupta and Jisha Rajala
October 3, 2021
Foreign Language

Foreign Language

Exploring how the pandemic has impacted how students prepare for the exam
Minjae Kang
March 21, 2021
French teacher Sarah Finck received the California Language Teacher Association (CLTA) 2021 Outstanding Teacher Award at a virtual award ceremony called Celebrating the Best of Us on Feb. 28. Photo courtesy of Sarah Finck // Used with permission

French teacher Sarah Finck receives the California Language Teacher Association’s 2021 Outstanding Teacher Award

Examining the impact of Finck’s teaching for her colleagues and students
Oishee Misra
March 6, 2021
Matvey Jenssen in Japan. Photo by Maxim Jenssen|Used with permission.

A multilingual community

Students and staff reflect on their experiences speaking multiple languages
Krish Dev, Opinion Editor
October 16, 2020
This map indicate Spanish-speaking regions of the world, where Spanish is the official language. Graphic credit | Map Handbook

MVHS Spanish and French teachers implement a stereotype unit

Delving into aspects of anti-racist work through Spanish and French 4 Honors curriculum
Oishee Misra
October 5, 2020
Konanoor smiles while taking a photo with her family in India. Photo used with permission from Siri Konanoor.

Communication culture

Exploring the effect that language has on relationships
Jacqueleine Liu
October 25, 2019
Mardi Gras at MVHS

Mardi Gras at MVHS

French Honors Society celebrates Mardi Gras
Sreya Kumar
March 9, 2019
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