Ethan Kellogg, Staff Writer

How sophomore Juju Ling found more ways to be expressive
Sophomore Juju Ling describes her queer identity and how it intersects with other parts of her identity

Senior Rohin Garg’s journey in competitive programming
Garg is an International Olympiad in Informatics medalist and writes programming problems

MVHS hockey players play for Saint Francis High School
Saint Francis allows players from other schools to play ice hockey under their team

Varsity Boys Basketball falls to Saratoga High School 53-49 in an overtime loss
The Matadors’ league score falls to 2-2 in an overtime loss against Saratoga High School

BREAKING: MVHS students released after shelter in place due to threatening email
Students were released and all activities for the day have been cancelled
The Memorial Park pickleball group has grown to form a local community
Exploring the challenges and successes the group has had so far

Cross Country Coach Kirk Flatow creates the Culture of Grit fund
The Culture of Grit fund will partially cover cross country travel experiences

FUHSD announces it will continue to phase out Japanese at MVHS during board meeting
The decision comes after looking at new enrollment data across FUHSD

Steered to extremes
The MVHS community and experts discuss the drawbacks and solutions to online radicalization

Japanese language students push to keep Japanese class
Students fight to keep Japanese at MVHS in the face of declining enrollment

FUHSD administration changes result in two new assistant principals for MVHS
Assistant principals Anthony Nguyen and Brian Dong join MVHS staff

Fremont High School hosts FUHSD College Fair for juniors and seniors
Students meet college representatives from local and out-of-state colleges

Staff shakeup
District-wide changes are implemented at the close of the school year

Moving on up
The teachers’ union implements a 10% salary raise

Class of 2025 hosts AP Study Session
Class of 2025 officers provided food and teachers to help students study for upcoming AP testing

Sounds of sports
MV students and coaches share how they involve music, pep-talks and cheering into their sports life

Playing to win
The role music plays in athletics across sports and activities

Varsity Badminton falls to Cupertino High School 19-11
Badminton loses a second time to the Pioneers

MVHS hosts Career Day presentations
Professionals share their work experiences to students over three sessions.

Off-court champs
MVHS sports depends on overlooked roles such as photographers, the athletic director, and student volunteers.

Directing with open arms
Bonacorsi plays a large role in many aspects of MVHS athletics

Boys Soccer loses against Homestead High School 2-1
MVHS loses after a tense second half

Education legislation
California passes new laws to improve education

California media literacy bill signed into law
The new law recommends media literacy be added to the English curriculum

Boys Basketball beats Lynbrook High School 52-42
MVHS maintains a consistent lead throughout the game

Road to reform
Examining current approaches that foster change within the community

Changing the game
Exploring the historical and current state of Reverse

“Paint It Black” makes its exit
Marching Band and Color Guard hold final home show of the year

Hopeful Tendencies
Examining the role that hope plays in the MVHS community
Hoping for success
Examining how success stories affect people's hopes

Field Hockey falls to Saratoga High School 2-1
MVHS loses to Saratoga after an intense game

Growing Forward
Examining opinions around self-improvement in the MVHS community

Which way to wellness?
Exploring how online self-help resources compare to in-person resources

Numbers beyond the classroom
Student opinions on the real life applications of math