Turn of time: an exploration through the decades

A look into different perspectives of each decade


ick. Tick. Tick. Tick.

Time passes so quickly. We live for the future, for the next moment, and in the wake of our vigorous pursuit, seconds pass, minutes pass, weeks pass, months pass. Years pass. You’re a happy toddler, swinging on the creaky swings at the park without a care in the world. Then you’re a determined middle schooler, still floating around, trying to find yourself. A high schooler, grasping onto what security your identity can offer you before you’re thrown into the world of adulthood. 20s. 30s. 40s. 

When was the last time we stopped and thought about now? How were we so carefree and happy, then suddenly thrown into the stress of the “real world” without ever being given warning? We’ve all heard the saying “time is money,” but we’re always dodging life, trying to get a step ahead, and we never look at the footprints we leave behind until we can’t see where we started in the first place. 

We’re so engrossed within our own aspirations that sometimes, we forget the experiences that others have too, ones that have been lost to time and ones that remain clear and shining even decades later. Let’s take a second (it’s hard, we know) and listen to what time has wrought on others, because the longer we wait, the more we’ll forget.  

​And as to what happens to their memories, only time will tell.

Read this collection of stories at https://turnoftime.weebly.com/.