Analyzing the benefits and drawbacks of weight training
September 30, 2016

Physical education teacher Jeffrey Thomas sees one defining factor in weight training — its impact on someone’s body.
“You can really metamorphosize both how you look and how you feel about yourself,” Thomas said. “Unlike the other PE classes, you can see the visible results of your work on your body.”
Junior Albert Yang took weight training sophomore year for the same reason many others in the class did — PE credits. However, his partial interest in the course gradually intensified and grew throughout the year.
“Weight training is a fun way to socialize with your friends while still getting in a workout,” Yang said.
Thomas explained that originally, weight training was one of the only options for PE. But over the years, the PE department added more classes such as PE Racquet Sports and PE Basketball, reducing the number of students taking classes ‘just for credits’. According to Thomas, this makes weight training more fun, because all the students in the class are truly interested.
Sophomore Prabhat Jandhyala, a student taking weight training, believes that the class is great for beginners. So far, the curriculum has consisted of safety, proper technique and use of equipment, as well as fixed workouts.
“[Thomas] had all his students take a survey, and the results showed that most of the people in the class have never lifted before,” Jandhyala said. “So then he started giving us specific workouts and more instruction.”
Yang said that during the first semester, everything was guided and the workouts were mostly predetermined. But when second semester began, everyone was given more freedom and choice in how they worked out.
“Later on in the year, we have tailor-made workouts for each student,” Thomas explained. “So that way they are able to focus on whatever area they want to improve.”

However, Jandhyala said that he feels the class is structured specifically for beginners, and if someone is already experienced, then weight training may not be the right choice for him or her. He feels that it would probably just be easier to go to the weight room after school.
“Obviously the kids that go after school are truly dedicated, they really want to improve, and a lot of them have more expertise,” Thomas said. “But the class is much more structured, because for most students, it’s their first time lifting.”
Nevertheless, he explained that this class should not be taken lightly, and it is a serious commitment. In the end, it amounts to almost nine months of lifting weights and working out, and that is quite substantial.
“But if you like fitness, and you really want to become a stronger version of yourself,” Thomas said, “Then this is definitely the class for you.”