On Sept. 2, MVHS students will flood into the gym to take part in the first rally of the school year. The Welcome Back Rally, which will take place after third period for approximately 45 minutes, will be a traditional competition between the classes. The theme of the rally this year is fast food, in which freshmen are Taco Bell, sophomores are McDonald’s, juniors are In-and-Out and seniors are Burger King.
“What makes this rally unique is the theme, which hasn’t been done for at least four years,” said ASB vice president Christina Aguila. “Also, I think we might be having our mascot going around hiking students up. That’s a little different too.”
The students will be playing games and watching performances by MV Dance Team, Cheer, and Song, and cheering with Band’s accompanying music. At the end of the rally, each grade level will be judged on multiple aspects, such as loudness, and awarded a place.