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The Student News Site of Monta Vista High School

El Estoque

The Student News Site of Monta Vista High School

El Estoque

The Student News Site of Monta Vista High School

El Estoque

Empathy and emotional intelligence play a vital role in productive conversations and healthy relationships. Illustration | Radhika Dharmapurikar

Emotional maturity strengthens our community

We need to learn to effectively communicate about our emotional differences
Meghna Dixit, Staff Writer
March 24, 2025
Art museums are slowly losing visibility with the rise of the digital era. Illustration | Grace Lin

The digital shift reshaping art exhibitions will affect art consumption

As the world embraces digital platforms, museums and art showcases are forced to evolve
Grace Lin
March 10, 2025
Rage bait induces interaction with the posted content. Photo | Asha Wojciechowski

Rage bait: How purposefully rage-inducing content is harming users’ mental health

Rage bait online takes advantage of viewers and perpetuates unethical behavior for monetization
Niveda Hari and Asha Wojciechowski
March 10, 2025
Self-sabotage is action, or a lack thereof, that gets in the way of our success, whether intentional or unconscious. Photo | Ryan Liu

Bravery is an essential aspect of goal-setting

Confronting my tendencies to self-sabotage
Anika Bhandarkar
March 10, 2025
Advisories provide an important, informative experience, yet are neglected by the student body

Advisories provide an important, informative experience, yet are neglected by the student body

Increased student engagement during Advisory lessons is necessary to spread its important insights
Kathryn Foo
March 9, 2025
Illustration | Grace Lin

Breaking down generational walls

El Estoque's Opinion section delves into generational differences and the tensions they cause
Though depression isn't a part of myself I love, accepting it has brought me more happiness than resenting it. Photo | Shweta Gupta

Escaping the darkness

How I learned to accept and move past my depression
Suhana Mahabal
March 8, 2025
To build our identity, we need to take control of our lives and act as our own algorithms. Illustration | Aletheia Ju

Staff Editorial: Defined by the algorithm

Feeding into social media algorithms restricts people from exploring different facets of their evolving identity
Editorial Board
March 8, 2025
The literature taught in schools has varied over generations, shifting to reflect the ideologies and relevant social issues of the era. Illustration |  Asha Wojciechowski and Canva

Literature curriculum evolves alongside societal issues

Teachers share examples and rationales for updates to English curriculum
Changes in technology, slang and ideological beliefs influence how generations communicate, often resulting in misunderstandings and conflict. Illustration | Grace Lin and Canva

Generational ideological and technological shifts exacerbate hostile rhetoric

Differences between generations impact communication and bring about conflict
Grace Lin and Suhana Mahabal
March 7, 2025
As the popular slang shifts constantly, people can often struggle to communicate intergenerationally.  Illustration | Kathryn Foo and Canva

We should embrace brainrot to cross intergenerational boundaries

As a language, brainrot has the capacity to bring generations together
Subin Ko and Kathryn Foo
March 7, 2025
The consequences of this phenomenon weigh heaviest on marginalized communities, who are repeatedly sidelined in mainstream discourse. Photo Illustration | Yixuan (Joyce) Li and Elizabeth Yang

“Hashtag activism” is not enough

Selective and surface-level activism leaves real issues unresolved
Yixuan (Joyce) Li and Elizabeth Yang
March 6, 2025
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