Dune: Part 2
Released on March 1, the second installment of the film trilogy “Dune” garnered a successful reception, grossing $714.14 million worldwide, smashing its predecessor’s margins of profit. Directed by Denis Villeneuve, the film revolves around the protagonist Paul Atreides, portrayed by Timothee Chalamet, who rises to become the prophesied Messiah who controls “spice,” a highly coveted and prized ingredient unique to the franchise. Atreides would be guided and taught by Chani, portrayed by Zendaya, who would later become his love interest and wife. Dune received critical acclaim, cherished for its cinematic shots and for a riveting, maturely developed plot as his struggles to adapt in a hostile intergalactic war is highlighted and transformed into action — captivating viewers with heart-pumping tension. The movie earned a 92% rating on Rotten Tomatoes and an 8.5/10 rating on IMBd, and just three days after its release was ranked as one of Villeneuve’s highest-rated movies of the year– marking a significant milestone for the director.
Kendrick Lamar’s “Not Like Us”
Notorious for his influence on hip-hop and feud with Drake since the early 2010s, rapper and songwriter Kendrick Lamar released his diss track “Not Like Us” on May 4 and its music video two months later, his newest shot in refreshing the vicious battle with the pop star. “Not Like Us” has a distinct and predominating rhythm in the background with a simple, energetic tune — with Lamar’s voice being the star of the piece. The audience loved the music for its play on words that dissed his foe which also doubled as a lyrical masterpiece. For one, the lyrics “Tryna strike a chord and it’s probably A Minor” ties back to old claims that accused Drake of pedophilia, as the note A Minor insinuates the meaning of “a minor”. The music video would later be filmed in Lamar’s hometown of Compton, with the video soaring to popularity for its visual usage of clowns (“clowning” Drake) that gave hype to the beef, and once again for the not-so-subtle usage of insults against Drake. Like most of Lamar’s discography, “Not Like Us” redefines the boundaries of hip-hop, with each line weaved around the rhythm as his style blends the perfect combination of old-school rapping with modern-day instruments like synthesizers and DJ. And despite its name, the video continues to embrace all in its clear-cut melody and catchy tunes — a testament to the love it’ll receive for the many years to come.
“HIT ME HARD AND SOFT” – By Billie Eilish
Billie Eilish released her third studio album “HIT ME HARD AND SOFT” on May 17, a project that would later earn an Oscar and a Grammy. The album features ten songs that are diverse in composition, style and genre — some with a long, sullen and impactful sense of hollowness and others upbeat, fast and cheeky. Some lyrics, like the ones in “Skinny,” seemingly confess Eilish’s insecurities about her body image, among many other topics like identity, relationships and love. The album received millions of streams, with all ten of its songs reaching the top 40 on the Billboard Hot 100 and the album eventually reached a staggering number two spot on the Billboard 200. Like the name “Hit Me Hard and Soft,” Eilish has indeed “hit” her viewers with personalized messages and emotional confessions, making it a unique and impactful release from the year.
“BRAT”- By Charli XCX
Branded by her album’s eccentric music and iconic chartreuse, Charlotte Emma Aitchison, more commonly known as Charli XCX, released her sixth album, “Brat,” on June 7. “Brat” made its debut as one of the most influential albums of the year, sparking a cultural phenomenon throughout Kamala Harris’s political campaigns and social media centered around the boisterous personality. Showcasing a 16-song tracklist, the album was popular among many for both its drum beats and digital violin synths prevalent in many of the melodies and personal messages in its lyricism. However, the album would later reach millions of her fans as well, scoring seven Grammy nominations and a Mercury Music Prize for Album of the Year. The song “Apple” in particular would spark a viral TikTok trend, with the song and movement accumulating millions of views throughout social media platforms. Despite the word “Brat” being seemingly derogatory and used to describe an impudent child, it’s turned into a word people love, as it embraces rather than scorns cheeky irreverence — making the album a spicy enrichment to this year’s summer.
Deadpool & Wolverine
American superhero movies are classically cheap in humor, funny and witty — and the Marvel film released July 22, “Deadpool & Wolverine,” is an accurate embodiment of these elements. Marking the third movie in the Deadpool franchise, actors Ryan Renolds and Hugh Jackman star as Deadpool and Wolverine respectively. Viewers were drawn to Deadpool’s classic inappropriate and hilariously sarcastic jokes, which were countered by Wolverine’s more stern personality. Quickly after its debut, the movie fought its way to become one of the highest-earning R-films of 2024, raking over $1.3 billion against a budget of 200 million. Its jam-packed puns, comical remarks and engrossing plot made “Deadpool & Wolverine” a great addition to not only Marvel films but to 2024’s action movies.