Club Commission held its first Club Council meeting of the year on Aug. 28 in the Auditorium. Led by Lead Commissioner senior Cindy Hu, Club Commission introduced its new website and reminded clubs of the importance of Meeting Minutes, which keep track of club spending and ensure that club officers vote on any expenditures.
According to Hu, the new website was created to improve the clarity of Club Commission’s policies. When Hu was previously involved in a club, she always had to email Club Commission to ask for a copy of the policies. With the addition of a website, she hopes that clubs will be able to accss the information more easily.
“Everything’s up to date… and it’s really nice looking,” Hu said. “It’s supposed to make everyone’s lives easier.”
Aside from the new website, Club Commission and Assistant Principal Mike White also reiterated the importance of Meeting Minutes, which have to be turned into the main office every time a club discusses funding. According to White, the Minutes are used as proof when auditors question the use of club funds.
“That’s so your adviser cannot take your money without your knowledge, so whenever you go to a meeting, your Minutes need to be handed into the main office,” White said.
Despite the perceived necessity of Meeting Minutes, some club officers have expressed disapproval toward this policy.
“It’s a good process, but if you know that a club is legitimate, then it shouldn’t be important because it just adds on extra work,” Interact President senior Saloni Singal said. “If they had minimized the amount of Minutes we need to send in, it might have been better.”
According to Hu, Club Commission understands clubs’ concerns about the Minutes, and one of Club Commission’s goals this year is to streamline the process. Although Club Commission is focusing on planning Club Day, Hu believes that they will work out the details soon.
“I think that once clubs get into their groove and get all their lovely freshmen members..then we can streamline Meeting Minutes,” Hu said.
According to White, another one of Club Commission’s goals will be to update club constitutions. Although Club Commission has copies of all club constitutions, it plans to increase clubs’ transparency with students by making them available to all students.
“Each club is supposed to have a constitution that is up to date, some place where people can read them, and right now, it’s not some place where people can read them,” White said, “so we’re trying to move to electronic copies.”