From workshops over winter break to the final preparations before the dance, Cheer and Song work together to organize the Sadies dance.
After a date change due to a clash with after school sports games, the Sadie Hawkins dance will now be held on Feb. 28. This year, Spirit members chose the theme “Neverland,” encouraging students to dress up as characters from Disney’s “Peter Pan.”

“Compared to previous years, it’s more original and more creative,” Song captain junior Mane Mikayelyan said. “You can do a lot of cool decorations with it, and there are a lot of characters you can dress up as.”
The last two years have been based on concepts rather than movies, including “Superheroes vs. Supervillains” and “Wild Wild West”. Because Spirit members are responsible for organizing the dance, the Song and Cheer captains plan on holding two or three workshops during the winter break for the members to begin brainstorming and creating decorations. At the workshops, the members will be split into groups in which they will focus on a specific section of the gym. Once school is in session, they will spend time after school working on what they do not finish over break. All of the planning happens within this two week period in February.
Almost every year, Sadie Hawkins takes place in February. Last year, due to a certain event in February, the date was moved to April. The captains from both of the teams believe that the change back to February has not significantly altered their practice and performance schedule.
According to Mikayelyan, the administration prefers to have the dance in February because it is before the rush of sports practices and games. Spirit members have no control over when the dance is held, but the captains do their best to plan ahead by beginning workshops two weeks in advance.
“I’m actually excited for the preparation and decorating because it’ll be a chance for the team to bond,” Huang said. “We don’t have that many opportunities to interact with each other outside of practice because practicing for competitions takes up a lot of our time.”
The Sadie Hawkins dance will be held on Feb. 28 in the gym from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. For guest permission slips, click here.