Executive breakdown
A brief overview of Trump's 2025 presidential directives

Crossword: Vol. 55, Issue 5
Solve El Estoque’s crossword with wordplay and clues from our March magazine. Scroll down for the solution.

Trump takes action to reverse U.S. climate policy
What does “unleashing American energy” mean for the climate?

Gliding on ice
MVHS students discuss their experiences with recreational ice skating

Women’s sports continue to receive less media coverage than men’s sports
The MVHS community reflects on the under-coverage of women’s sports

Time Out! Ep. 29: Finnegan Hassy
Finnegan Hassy reflects on his experience with football and the team’s success

MVHS sophomore Kylee Mark reaches 1,000 career assists
Mark accomplished the milestone on Nov. 9 during Varsity Girls Volleyball CCS Championships

MVHS athletes share gratitude through sports
Students and coaches reflect on their experiences with giving thanks in sports

MVHS senior Sudisha Kumar wins community service award from the City of Cupertino
The CREST Rising Star award recognizes an individual who has volunteered for three years or fewer

MVHS students work to give used shoes a new life
The ReSole project distributes shoes to local shelters and families in need

Unaccustomed to customs
MVHS students and parents share their experiences of culture shock traveling to their home country

Painting the right picture
MVHS students and alum explain how they use art to express their identities and experiences