Bathroom vandals perpetuate hate
MVHS administration responds to racial slurs, hate symbols and other vandalism
Junior Greyson Mobley noticed the graffiti in the B-building boys bathroom during third period on March 10. Photo by Greyson Mobley | Used with permission
March 16, 2022
Principal Ben Clausnitzer sent an email to all MVHS students, parents and faculty on Tuesday, March 15, regarding the recent vandalization of several boys bathrooms in the B-building. The bathrooms were graffitied with racial slurs and hate speech.
Junior Greyson Mobley saw graffiti in the lower B-building boys bathroom that said “Kill all n******” on Thursday, March 10. Mobley feels “angry and disgusted” yet “wasn’t too surprised” by the vandalism.
“Being any minority, you always kind of have to [watch] your P’s and Q’s because of stereotypes,” Mobley said. “[So] just seeing something like that kind of makes you have to watch yourself even more and that definitely does affect you.”
The week prior on Thursday, March 10, Clausnitzer sent out an email regarding the vandalization of the gender neutral bathroom, which was graffitied and had its toilet seat covers thrown into the toilet. Clausnitzer acknowledges that though that incident didn’t involve hate speech, it made the space unsafe for students.
“I need everyone to know that hate, disrespect, and intimidation have no place on our campus. Together, it is our responsibility to continue to combat all forms of racism and discrimination and to interrupt or speak up when we witness hate and injustice,” Clausnitzer wrote in his email.