MVHS holds Club Info Day
Club leaders share about the importance of the event in recruiting
Sophomore Madi Polidoro, senior Nabeeha Ahsan, senior Nila Katchapalayal and junior Melody Chui pose for a photo by the MV Fashion Club’s booth.
September 13, 2021
Students of all grades gathered in the rally court during lunch for Club Information Day on Sept. 10. While some stood by their booths, advertising their club, others had the chance to find out what other opportunities were offered. However, due to COVID-19 safety restrictions, many clubs could not resort to their standard ideas for club info day, such as fashion club.
“It’s a little bit more difficult this year,” senior and president of Fashion Club, Nabeeha Ahsan, said. “In the past, a lot of people who go to MVHS would just look at the food that everyone would be giving at the first meeting and choose which [clubs] they want to go to based on that …This year we cannot do that due to COVID-19. “
However, according to Manasi Ganti, senior and president of literary magazine La Pluma, the advantages of having an in-person club info day rather than online exceeded the hindrances caused by COVID-19. Ganti describes how walking around classrooms, putting up flyers and setting up in person helped La Pluma members promote their club. She hopes to increase social media promotion as well.
Through Club Info day, Ahsan was hoping to clear any misconceptions that people may have about Fashion Club.
“We plan on just really making it clear what Fashion Club does because there’s a lot of misconception about it,” Ahsan said. “Because a lot of people tend to think that what we do is solely fashion reviews … that’s not all our club is about.”
Similarly, Ganti notes how she and her club members hoped to better educate people about what La Pluma does as a literary magazine through their trifold. In comparison to this year, Ahsan describes how the online Club Info day last year restrained clubs from exhibiting effectively.
“In general, a lot of people did not really take the extra time to go and click on the link of the club they were interested in,” Ahsan said. “But [this year] they could have just walked around with their friends and seen the clubs that they wouldn’t have taken interest in otherwise.”
While having an in-person club info day caught the attention of more students, Ahsan believed the limited space to exhibit 63 clubs posed a problem for her club.
“A lot of people don’t go [to Club Info day] to sign up for clubs,” Ahsan said. “They go and look around at everything going on, maybe visit a friend. It does get a little busy, so I think having it a little more spread out could be helpful.”
Additionally, clubs such as Women in STEM hope to educate freshmen and sophomores about what MVHS has to offer, sparking new interests that have been lost in the past year.
“I think it’s especially important for freshmen and, in this case, sophomores as well because they haven’t had a chance to explore clubs over the past four years,” senior and president of Women in STEM Akanksha Roy said. “And freshmen, sophomore year is when you’re building how you want to go in life. Club Info day is a great way to interact and meet people with similar interests who can help you later in life and further your goals.”