The Matadors defeated the Trojans in a close game on Feb. 1 at home. The first half was a close battle between the two teams, with the Matadors scoring a goal in the closing minute to come out on top 2 to 1. The Matadors picked up their offensive game in the second half to put in another goal.
“We had a really good solid game. Defense did pretty well except for that one lapse, and offense was able to put the ball away,” junior William Major said.
At the 13th minute, senior Bobak Ohadi scored the first goal for the Matadors. MVHS continued to put up a solid line of defense until the 31st minute, when the Trojans put in their first goal. However, senior Baris Demirlioglu helped MVHS pull ahead when he committed a necessary foul to slow down MHS’s breakaway at the 42nd minute.
Sophomore Brad Ohadi then assisted senior Rohit Mukerji to help score a second goal for MVHS in the last minute of the first half.
Once the second half started, MVHS began to take more control of the game, keeping the ball on MHS’ side of the field.
As MVHS started gaining momentum with numerous shot attempts by senior Brian Nordby, Mukerji and sophomore Marco Schwiebert, it was Ohadi who was eventually able to seal the win by scoring MVHS’ third goal. After a long shot from junior William Major, Bobak attempted a goal, but the ball was blocked by the goalie but landed back in Bobak’s possession. In a series of dribbles, Bobak attempted yet another shot and this time, scored.
Although this was a strong showing by the team, Demirlioglu thought they still needed to work on communication between players.
“I think it’s probably communication. Just working together as a team. I mean we’re already really fluid as a team, and I think we can just only get better from here.” Demirlioglu said.
MVHS eventually won the game 3-1 off of 25 shot attempts, with four saves from goalie sophomore Anirudh Srinivas.
The next game will be played on Feb. 13 against Lynbrook High School in a SCVAL-El Camino competition.