Freshman Link Ultimate Bonding day had potential for greatness.
Too bad it was just a flub.
Scheduled two weeks before finals, F.L.U.B. day could not have worked by any means. According to an online survey, only 14% of the 84 respondents attended the event. Instead of bonding in the most ultimate of ways (dodgeball, Mafia, Night-tag and board games), many of these freshmen stayed at home to study.
Freshman Shivani Komma was one of them.
“I only knew three people going,” Komma said. “Plus with finals, I was too lazy to go and didn’t have time to waste.”
Even though this slow start could be attributed to the fact that this was the first F.L.U.B. day ever held by Link Commission, Link could have gotten a lot more from the event if it were scheduled at a less stressful time.
Link has proven this themselves. Looking back at previous successful Link events, a pattern of good scheduling and, consequently, decent turnout seems to have been established. Last year’s Freshman Fling took place Apr. 8, when finals were in the back of everyone’s minds. The Jan. 29 “Oh Snap” photo scavenger hunt coincided with the middle of the post-Winter Break lull. Life was not hectic during those times — not like Dec. 3, when final exams are the only thought in the average student’s mind.
If Link Commission expects greater attendance at future events than that of F.L.U.B. day, they must take time to take a look at the calendar before planning events. Sure, there were engaging games and tons of fun to be had with friends, but moving the event back even a week or two would have dramatically increased attendance. 59% of 73 respondents even agreed they would have attended if the event were held after finals.
And when would that be? Perhaps Thursday, the last day of finals. After finishing their first final exams, freshmen would likely appreciate time to unwind and unload their stress. Link should have taken advantage of this opportunity — after all, few prefer moping around home alone to participating in organized games with friends after a stressful week jam-packed with tests.
After all, there is a time for studying and a time for dodgeball. F.L.U.B. day came at the wrong time.