Action! A boy wearing only shorts runs across the academic while a camera crew follows in pursuit.
On Nov. 10, Film Club began shooting its first film of the year, a currently untitled “mockumentary.”
“[The film] is about eco-terrorists who go and run around naked because they don’t wear fabrics since that harms plants,” junior Douglas Sefton, an actor in the film, said. “They not only want to keep animals safe, but plants too, so they don’t wear clothing, or use the toilet. It’s supposed to be a comedy.”
The writing of the plot and script were both done entirely by Film Club members, who also take part in the filming and soon-to-be editing.
Freshman Nish Ullagaddi was hanging around in the academic court when a representative of Film Club asked him if he would like to be an extra.
Despite having no idea what the film was about, or how long he would be on the set, Ullagaddi agreed to take part in the film. Due to the upcoming three-day-weekend Ullagaddi felt he could take the time to stay longer at school and participate in the filming. After witnessing the production process, Ullagaddi said he found Film Club interesting and is now considering joining the club.
Senior Michael Goldman, an officer of Film Club, hopes to enter the video in an upcoming film festival taking place Feb. 2012.
“We need a rough cut in by the next two weeks,” Goldman said. “If all goes well we will have all the shots for the rough cut done over the weekend.”
Having just shot the first official scene, the process to complete the entire film will take a substantial amount of time.
“We are shooting for December to get [the film] completely finished,” said Goldman.
Film club usually meets once a week in Mr. Barcellos’ room A103, but now that they have started the filming process meetings are being held more frequently.
“This is the first year Film Club has been really active,” Sefton said.
Having volunteered at a film festival earlier this year in October, the club has truly come full circle with the production of their own film. And cut!