Someone once said, “All art is autobiographical.” If that is the case, then one must understand the artist to truly understand art. Adhering to that doctrine, the Art 3 class visits a museum every year in order to appreciate the inspiring great works that the class seeks to emulate.

This year, they were accompanied by the French 4 and AP French classes.
On Sept. 27 and Sept. 28, the students traveled to San Francisco to view the “Picasso Exhibition at the deYoung Museum.” The exhibit showcased over 100 pieces of work by the great artist Pablo Picasso, including paintings, sculptures, and prints from the artist’s career. Maybe it was meant to be, with Picasso’s self-portrait The Matador being a part of the exhibit.
“It’s exciting because it’s a temporary exhibit — it’s here from Paris because the French museum is undergoing renovations and [the deYoung Museum] is the only place it will be in America,” senior Kelly Nakamura said. “It’s a once in a lifetime opportunity, [and] I’m really interested in seeing what the class thinks about Picasso.”
The classes left at 7:55 a.m. from MVHS and took the Caltrain to San Francisco. They spent about approximately two hours in the museum before returning to school at 3:20 p.m. Despite the long day, students enjoyed the opportunity for cultural enrichment.
“[It was] fun to see cool paintings and spend [the day] with my friends, even though I don’t really know art,” senior Amy Thomas said.