Freshmen and Link Leaders bond over photo scavenger hunt
The first ever Link "Oh Snap!" photo scavenger hunt was held during lunch on Jan. 29. The event was a part of Link’s efforts to reach out and connect with more freshman.
"It’s a chance for the Link Leaders and the freshman to hang out outside of class," Link Commissioner junior Timur Mertol said. "Usually we get comments from the freshman [saying] that instead of Link Leaders visiting classrooms, they’d rather have some time to hang out and talk with their Link Leaders outside of class."
The photo scavenger hunt started at 12:30 p.m. and ended at 1 p.m. Each freshman Literature class, led by its Link Leaders, raced to locate and take pictures with 12 specified items. Photo challenges ranged from a "No Parking" sign to a green fountain. Each photo was awarded points based on the level of difficulty. Additional points were awarded if more than 15 students from the class participated.
Participants were not allowed to go off-campus, into classrooms, or create the items they had to locate. The photographs had to include all members of the team except the photographer. There was a one point penalty for every minute past 1 p.m.
The winning classes will receive a pizza party, the second place classes — a doughnut party and the third place classes — candy.
Christy Utter’s seventh period class and David Clarke’s fifth period class tied for first place while Sara Borelli’s sixth period and Chelsa Anderson’s sixth period class tied for second. Marshall Coy’s fifth period class came in third.