This year's haunted house involved a murder, a fog machine, and a whole lot of terror.

The end result was a flawlessly played out horror story.
"It was very believable… [The actors] were all really, really good," junior Panos Kanellakopoulos said.
Junior Christine Tedijanto agreed wholeheartedly. "It was pretty darn scary in there," she laughed.
One focus point during the process of creating the Haunted House was finding a way to lead the audience through the complex, five-room house while maintaining plot fluency. The answer was in the design of the plot: a realtor would lead "potential buyers" through an old, long-abandoned house, designed by seniors Christine Yu and Alex Martin in the Black Box.
Beginning in the foyer, which clearly set the spooky atmosphere with its dim lighting and dark walls, the realtor, played by senior Mandy Watson, leads the terrified group through the house. Throughout the tour, the murder mystery of the previous owners is unraveled.
The ballroom was used mostly to set up the plot. The audience entered the scene to find seniors Toni Louie and Abram Ellescas, the owners of the house, dancing. Moments later, the room was plunged into darkness and there was a scream— the owners of the house were found dead. Stepping past the corpses, the terrified audience was led through a hallway and a kitchen to the daughter's room.
The deeply disturbing daughter, played by sophmore Aleksandra Evert, upped the fear factor and explained the mystery by appearing in the next room of the tour: the parlor.
"Please let us know if you're interested in buying," Watson says.
"Please let us know if you're interested in dying," Wheeler echoes.