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The Student News Site of Monta Vista High School

El Estoque

The Student News Site of Monta Vista High School

El Estoque

The Student News Site of Monta Vista High School

El Estoque

Five tips on solving a Rubik’s cube

Five tips on solving a Rubik’s cube

Alyssa Hui May 24, 2018
Veteran cuber sophomore Nitin Subramanian shares five tips for solving a Rubik’s cube
The flyer for the upcoming  "Build a Story" workshop. Attendees will get a chance to publish their work in La Pluma's upcoming S&S issue.

11 tips to become a better writer

Maya Murthy February 9, 2014

La Pluma co-president Pooja Desai shares tips to improve writing. 1. Hone your craft by reading. Have a book with you at all times. Read as much as you can, whenever you can, wherever you can. “I...

First dip

Akshay Agrawal September 26, 2008

Dear teachers: what makes a first day a good first day.There is a first for everything. After the much anticipated -though not always appreciated -first day, the school year is slowly falling into place:...

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