Junior Aadit Singh, a striker on the Varsity Boys Soccer team, admired soccer superstar Cristiano Ronaldo from a very young age, as his family regularly watched games on the television, ultimately igniting his passion to pursue soccer at the age of four. Singh recalls some of his first memories of Ronaldo were when he was a player at Manchester United, one of the most well-known professional soccer clubs in England, where Singh lived for four years of his childhood.
“England is a big area for soccer, so living there made me enjoy watching soccer since it was a big part of the culture,” Singh said. “Ronaldo was popular around the time and he was really influential and inspirational because he put in a lot of effort to be where he is today and to receive all of the successes he had in his career.”
Since Ronaldo wasn’t with Manchester United for his entire career, Singh further emphasizes how his rejoining with the team in 2021 was an influential period for him, as he was nearing his high school soccer career and started to watch Ronaldo’s games more. Reflecting back on that time, Singh feels like Ronaldo’s story and upbringing gave him the hope that one day he could make it big in the soccer industry.
“I knew where he originated from and how his dad passed when he was young which was a setback,” Singh said. “Everything he had started achieving was pretty inspiring after that.”
Singh also points out the numerous skills that Ronaldo has acquired over the years, which have only served to strengthen his belief that Ronaldo is one of the best soccer players in the world. He notes that Ronaldo’s athleticism and his tough mentality are something that stands out from others, a trait that he would also like to see in himself as the soccer season recently began.
“I noticed that most of the time he never lets anyone get in his mind and keeps his composure throughout games,” Singh said. “Going forward with the season, I want to practice doing that more so it doesn’t interfere with my gameplay.”