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The Student News Site of Monta Vista High School

El Estoque

The Student News Site of Monta Vista High School

El Estoque

The Student News Site of Monta Vista High School

El Estoque

Support Our Work

El Estoque will accept advertisements submitted with a signed contract and full payment providing they do not advocate illegal activity for minors or are deemed by the Editorial Board racist, sexist or otherwise inappropriate for El Estoque’s audience. Advertisements may be rejected due to space limitations, though El Estoque is obligated by law to provide equal space for advertisements representing opposing viewpoints.

Interested businesses have the option of advertising both in print and online. The print edition gets directly into the hands of 1,000 students on campus and the website receives approximately 20,000 unique hits per week, so it’s a valuable place to reach out to the young members of our community and their families. The advertising contract for 2024-25 can be found here. For business inquiries, please contact

By subscribing to MVHS’ national award-winning student publication, you can read about the events, trends, changes and happenings in your teen’s world. Your tax-deductible fee helps to fund the printing of our student paper. If you order a hard copy subscription, you will receive each issue within one week of publication, seven per year. If you order a digital copy, you will receive a link to the issue on the day it comes out. To sign up to receive a subscription to your home or inbox, please click here and go to “ASB Publications.” 

Becoming a sponsor
Another way to show your support for the Journalism Program is to be a sponsor. We have three levels of sponsorship available — $30 for silver, $50 for gold and $100 for platinum — and will print our sponsors’ names in each issue. To become a sponsor, please click here and go to “ASB Publications.”