MVHS hosted its annual Homecoming Dance in the gym on Sept. 30, 2023, from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. Attendees danced in the mosh pit as the DJ played everything from party music to slow songs to Bollywood hits. The video game theme was incorporated into the dance, with retro video game consoles and arcade games scattered across the gym. Upperclassmen share their experience in the dance and reminisce over past homecomings, imparting some advice for the underclassmen and future MVHS students on how to enjoy homecoming week to its full extent.
Dance the night away
Journeying through MVHS students Homecoming experience this year
About the Contributors

Arshiya Sen, News Editor
Arshiya is currently a senior and staff writer at El Estoque. In her free time, she enjoys listening to music, watching movies with her friends, and baking with her brother.

Trisha Sannappanavar, Staff Writer
Trisha is currently a senior and a staff writer for El Estoque. In her free time, she enjoys reading, listening to music, drawing and watching movies