Regular side

  1. Scrolling through social media while in a Zoom meeting
  2. Texting your classmate about something funny happening in class
  3. Reuniting online with an old family friend who had moved away
  4. Having easy access to a restroom whenever
  5. Wearing pajamas all day, including in class
  6. Seeing your family members from across the world in a Zoom call without having to visit in-person
  7. Waking up right before school starts and getting an extra hour of sleep
  8. Meeting a new friend from across the country through Among Us
  9. Spending asynchronous Wednesdays binge-watching your favorite show
  10. Not needing to carry your backpack around campus
  11. Having extra time between classes to eat a snack
  12. Having fewer tests
  13. Turning your video off because you’re making breakfast
  14. Having your dog in your lap during class
  15. Having more time to relax
  16. Video-calling your friends to watch a movie together
  17. Joining a Zoom call while walking your dog
  18. No longer needing to rush around campus in the cold rain
  19. Secretly falling asleep in class because you’re bored
  20. Not needing to wait in line for the cafeteria
  21. Watching YouTube during class
  22. Having extra time to learn how to bake
  23. Bonding with your family by playing board games
  24. Having lower standards for participation in certain classes
  25. Attending school from your bed