Improv Club: Looking ahead

Members discuss their love for Improv Club

Alyssa Hui and Justine Ha

Improv Club meets every Wednesday during lunch in the Black Box. Members practice improv by using different warm-up techniques, playing amusing games and carrying out on-the-spot scenes. According to senior and president Elika Hashemi, improv is a type of comedy drama where there is no script and the actors act on the spot.

Hashemi explains that the main goal of these Wednesday lunch meetings is to help any students who have an interest for acting to get involved with improv. However, later in the year, the club will assemble an improv team of more serious members who will meet for Sunday practices and prepare for competitions and showcases.

Because of the large number of seniors who graduated last year, Hashemi hopes to recruit new members and make a smooth transition while switching officers. In addition, she plans to have an improv performance during second semester, which has never been done before. The club also performs during Advanced Drama’s annual showcase.

View below to see why members enjoy Improv Club: