Leadership hardly gets a break with the back-to-back planning and executing of all the school spirit events. Senior Dhruv Parikh, 2018 class president, describes the planning processes and elaborates on the daily life of a leadership student.
El Estoque: What are the main events leaderships covers?
Dhruv Parikh: The main [event] that leadership covers — [well,] already covered — is Homecoming. We have almost all the football games that we cover and have Bull Spirit for. And then also other major events near holidays. We are [doing] our [Spooktacular event] right now, and then [another] thing going around during Thanksgiving [will be] the Gobble Games, which is really fun, where all people run around and give out tokens for people to get pumpkin pie. During December, we have some Christmas themed events.

EE: How does Leadership decide the events?
DP: We, as the leadership class itself, decide that we are going to do an event for these individual seasons, and we have ASB come up with the theme name and the ideas and the games. We build on the games and we give them ideas if we have any suggestions.
EE: What does a busy day look like?
DP: A busy day is when each class or each commission has either something to make for the teachers or for the students or to run events or to know what’s going on during the events so that nothing goes wrong. For example, [on Oct. 31], during lunch there was the Spooktacular game, so each class, each commission knew what they had to do, knew how the games were run, and knew how the overall idea and theme was for the lunch.

EE: What does a regular day look like?
DP: Most commissions and most class offices have stuff to do, like donations and apparel. For commissions, it’s usually more towards the rallies and more towards big events, but for a normal day, they would also be helping out class offices. Most days, people are in class discussing, or sometimes out of class making stuff.
EE: What is the regular daily work of leadership?
DP: Daily work depends on which class or commission you are in because each class and each commission has different things to do, but whatever job you as a class need to finish, it’s your own task within your own class or commission. So probably, it will be like you need to go contact people, you need to get gamers for a rally or something, and you need to make this or this for our winter apparel or for seniors.