The blackboard in the rally court with a map drawn on it. Students could stick the gold star-shaped stickers taped onto the left side of the board onto the board to represent where they will be spending their 2016 summer.
On Thursday, students found a double-sided blackboard in the middle of the rally court. On one side, a map of the world that accumulated stickers showing where MVHS students will be spending the following summer. On the other, four sections: two for the graduating class of 2016 to write what colleges they would be attending, one for the graduating seniors’ future plans, and one, titled “I Will Be…,” for all students’ plans for the future.
Students line up in the Rally Court for cake. In addition to a blackboard map for students to write their plans on, Thursday offered free cake for all students.The blackboard on which students were able to write their future plans. Students’ responses in the various sections of the blackboard ranged from Carnegie Mellon University to becoming a doctor to being Beyonce.
“We can see and celebrate how [MVHS] students are going to go into the world and impact the greater community,” junior Alex Maertens said. “We get a visual representation of the reach of [MVHS] as an educational system and also as the last step in a person’s childhood.”
Students line up in the Rally Court for cake. In addition to a blackboard map for students to write their plans on, Thursday offered free cake for all students.Senior Jennifer Chen writes “UMICH” on a chalkboard in blue and red to show that she will be attending the University of Michigan. Students wrote their colleges on a blackboard to help demonstrate the scope of MVHS.Senior Rohan Mathur places a gold star on the map, representing that he plans to spend his summer in Australia. Since Mathur moved to the U.S. four years ago, he has visited his hometown in Australia twice. After graduating from MVHS, he hopes to visit Australia and talk with relatives and old friends one more time before heading off to college. Aside from relatives, Mathur most looks forward to seeing Australia’s scenery. During this visit, Mathur plans to travel to new areas of the continent to see his home country in its entirety.