On Thursday Oct. 29, second period teachers polled students on how they got to school as part of a Safe Routes to School survey shown below. Safe Routes to School is an international program with the intention to make roads safer for bikers and walkers and to encourage healthier and greener ways of commuting to school.
The Cupertino Safe Routes to School requested schools to survey students, ideally for three days, on how they got to and from school; however, students at MVHS only took the survey once on Thursday.
“It was just too much,” Principal April Scott said. “We couldn’t do all of [the days]. So we just did a Thursday count to get a rough idea of how students got to school.”
These surveys were sent out to the nearby Lincoln Elementary School and Kennedy Middle School as well as other schools in the area . The responses will be synthesized by the City of Cupertino to get a better understanding of ways of commuting to school.
“There are a lot of assumptions of how students are getting to school,” Scott said. “We are giving [the surveys] to the city and the city will gather [more information] from other schools to get a feel of what that looks like in terms of traffic impact.”
Scott does not know what the city will do with the information. At a quick glance at the survey results, Scott shared that there was an overwhelming amount of students under the “Family Vehicle” category. Scott stated that the official results will be released in the future by the city.