Monday, Oct. 19 — the first school day after Homecoming Week. For most students, it’s just a normal day to return to the reality of classes and monotone school bells. For class officers, however, things seem far different. The familiar thoughts of Homecoming are gone and they must look to the future, now that the highlight of their Leadership year is over. Sophomore class officer Ashley Chang explains how she is filled with mixed emotions now that the euphoria of Homecoming week has passed.

“If we had three Homecomings in one year consecutively, I think we would all just die,” Chang said. “It was long. It was tiring. But the end result [made it worth it, and] everyone’s just happy that it’s over since everyone did so well. It’s like, ‘Thank goodness we got through this.’ We need the time of recovery.”

“I feel like it hasn’t really kicked in yet [that Homecoming is over] because we were all so busy last weekend,” Chang said. “We still had dance set up and dance clean up, and we had to clean up at our quad decs so technically it wasn’t over yet. I’m really looking forward to next weekend because then I’ll have 10 hours free. Tomorrow we’re just planning to relax and debrief on homecoming week.”

“[The feeling] is mostly relief,” Chang said. “It’s like bittersweet because I’m glad it’s over and I don’t have to think about it anymore, but I also miss the energy and having something to look forward to. Like on Wednesday, [after we set up quad decs], before anyone [saw] it, we were like, ‘Oh, my gosh. We did this. This is so awesome.’ But we have more events coming up so we just have to look forward to those.”