Last season is widely deemed the best year for both girls and boys swimming.
Girls swimming won first place in CCS and boys placed fourth, just barely missing the trophy. Overall, MVHS swimming was ranked best in the league overall. After finishing one of its strongest seasons last year, the team maintains high ambitions for another stellar performance.
This season, however, the Matadors will first need to acclimate to several key changes.
“We have a new coach this year. Also, a lot of people who [normally] place top eight graduated,” girls swimming team captain senior Christina Cheng said.
These top-ranking alumni include Class of 2014 swimmers Kevin Su, Evan Li, Carly Reid, Sarah Kaunitz, Michael Chen, Michael Leung and Brendan Duffy, among others. As captain, however, Cheng continues to be hopeful for the team, and looks toward another solid season.
“The boys team is still really strong and going for top three,” Cheng said. “As for girls, while we’re not contending for first this year, we still want to see if we can get top three. Hopefully we might still go for a league win.”
Boys swimming captain senior Jarod Olay agrees with Cheng, and believes that notwithstanding the changes, the team will still train with effort and strive to reach CCS finals.
“We’re learning things along the way now,” Olay said. “The years before it was kind of handed down to us. But, there’s a lot more responsibilities as captains. We have to help the new coach along the way.”
Although both Cheng and Olay also swim competitively outside of school, they concur that being a part of high school swimming entails a special feeling.
“It’s a much different atmosphere and experience,” Cheng said. “You’ve kind of grown up with these people so it’s a different family and different experience.”
Olay feels a similar sentiment.
“Yeah, I agree. It’s mostly, about the team,” Olay said. “It’s a lot more fun, and a different type of bonding experience.”
Q & A with Coach Cyrus Kahangi

El Estoque: What experience with coaching have you had before MVHS?
Cyrus Kahangi: I’ve been teaching swimming lessons since I was 16 and I’m 22 now.
EE: What is something you feel you can bring to your relationship with the MV swimming team?
CK: It’s a relationship that had to be built upon. I’m known as more of the water polo coach and not so much the swimming coach. It’s my first year doing any sort of swim coaching. I had to build a lot of their trust before they were really sold on the idea of me being their coach.
EE: What goals do you have for the team by the end of the season?
CK: For everyone to improve and do the best that they can for the league CCS.