On Oct. 29, Stanford held a blood drive in the gym, starting at 6:30 a.m. and ending at 3:30 p.m. Throughout the day, students came to donate blood, and for many, it was their first time donating blood. Most students were 17 or older, due to the age restriction in order to donate blood. However there were some students who were 16, with consent from a parent. Along with age restrictions, there are also weight requirements depending on the height of the donor. Donors are also not allowed to travel to disease prone areas within the year, including parts of Asia, Africa, and South America. Upon entering, students were asked to sign in with community commission. After signing in, each student was sent to a different station and questioned by a nurse, about issues regarding their health, as well as several other questions regarding the restrictions of donating blood.
Photo gallery: Stanford blood drive
Vishalrathna Nagar
November 15, 2014
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