On Drama enthusiast freshman Osher Fein
Fresh Face is a recurring series that follows three freshmen as they navigate through high school. Our first installment features Osher Fein, a Drama enthusiast.
Looking forward to: Drama, choir, doing well in Geometry and French 1
Long term goal: Attending UC Berkeley with sister and class of 2009 alumna Sapphire Fein

“I was scared,” freshman Osher Fein said, recalling her first impression of MVHS. “Everything’s just so new — it’s totally different from middle school. I was so confused on the first day of school, trying to find my classrooms and my room numbers.”
In the time since school began, however, Fein has already become involved with a myriad of programs and communities. Theater is one of her strongest passions, because it allows for her to express both her enthusiastic personality and her love for performing. This past summer, she even participated in UCLA’s Performing Arts Camp, and chose to be a part of MVHS’s drama department.
“I’m really happy, I’m learning so much in that class,” Fein said. “I’ve already gotten to see an actual play; I’m already in one of the school productions … I’ve [seen] how the centaurs — the actors — prepare, and gained new insight [of the process].”
Weeks after Drama classes began, Fein received the role of gravedigger in Shakespeare’s “Hamlet,“ a part of MV Theatre Arts’ production, “The Shakespearience.” She also performed as Liam in the “Weekend Update” sketch during MVSNL earlier this year.
Fein is determined to continue through the next four years without compromising between studying and drama.
“In middle school I couldn’t keep up with math and that’s why my grades were dropping a lot,” she said. “[That’s the reason] I really want to keep both the fun part of high school and the academic part of it.”